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Agency Frontenders gezocht! KORT MAAR KRACHTIG


Agency Frontenders gezocht! KORT MAAR KRACHTIG

Dit zoeken wij:

  • Je wilt altijd blijven leren
  • Je bent bedreven in de nieuwste front-end technologies
  • Volgt de laatste ontwikkelingen op de voet en experimenteert graag met nieuwe technologie
  • Je bent niet bang om dingen te breken om zo te leren en verbeteren

Dit is wat wij zoeken in degene die gaat werken aan DE BESTE PROJECTEN EN CAMPAGNES voor onder meer Heineken, Philips en Adidas.


Valt er nog meer te zeggen ;)?


  • Luke proves his added value as a recruiter. He's introduced me to rewarding opportunities that I wouldn'totherwise have considered, and which have proved immensely satisfying.

    A M -

  • Luke and I had frequent contact by phone, e-mail and in person. His active effort and enthusiasm landed me my current job, for which I am very grateful. I very much admire his social skills, organisation skills and knowledge of the IT job market. Eventually his ability to negotiate ensured for me a high level of job satisfaction in my current position.

    I I -

  • Luke is honest with you. He tells you what he really thinks, and perfectly clear about that. Shows you what you are suitable for, and he acts quick upon your wishes. Get in touch with him!

    B C -

We’ve placed frontend developers with.