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iOS developer: mobile developer iOS!

€€2.000 - €2.500


iOS developer: mobile developer iOS!

€2.000 - €2.500


Samen met een heel team van iOS en Android developers werk jij aan de ruigste apps en mobile toepassingen. Van innovatieve food-app tot een app voor KLM komen bij jou langs. Je ontwikkelt apps die meerdere functies hebben en jij zorgt dat deze vloeiend functioneren. 



Als je reeds zover gelezen hebt dan word het echt tijd dat we even een kop koffie drinken. Contacteer me via mail: of via +31 (0)20 7944 593.



  • Je bent up-to-date van de laatste iOS ontwikkelingen en versies. Ook de oudere versies zijn niet vreemd voor je!
  • Je kunt werken met ARC
  • Autolayouts en CocoaPods behoren tot je dagelijkse werkzaamheden.
  • Ook als geprogrammeerd met Swift?
  • Werken in een uitdagend team waar keihard gewerkt en gefeest word ;)
  • Werken aan korte projecten van 6 tot 8 weken of 3 tot 6 maanden.



Luke Thomas


T: +31 (0)20 79 445 93


iOS developer vacature Hilversum, mobile developer Hilversum, ARC, auto layouts, cocoapods, Amsterdam, mobile, iOS 

  • Luke is the best recruitment person I have encountered. When I went to him, he immediately set himself apart from other recruiters by understanding the technical terms I mentioned and suggesting a job which actually matched my skills. He listened to what I wanted instead of trying to push me into a position; he also did not obfuscate information about the company. Still, he worked quickly, and I had my interview and a job offer in less than a week. After I had been with my new job for a few months, Luke checked in to see how the position was working out. He is certainly the first person I'd turn to for technical recruiting in the Netherlands.

    A B -

  • Luke is an excellent recruiter, persistent but not pushy. Took the time to really understand my capabilities and ambitions before finding me the perfect job. 100% professional and personable.

    P R -

  • The first time I contacted Luke I was living in Spain and willing to live in Amsterdam. After several chats, he got an interview for me, I arrived in the Netherlands just with that interview and just after arriving he got another two. This is just an example of what Luke's attitude can make anywhere he is. His proactive and optimistic attitude is transmitted to the rest of the people working with him, focusing on his goals and involving everyone on them. I would completely recommend this guy

    D L -

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