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NodeJS Developer - SUPER COOL NodeJS Developer Job for PASSIONATE STARTERS!


NodeJS Developer Job Amsterdam – SUPER COOL NodeJS Developer Job for PASSIONATE STARTERS!


NodeJS Developer Job Amsterdam, Junior NodeJS Developer Vacature, Junior, nodeJS, Koa, Express.js, NoSQL, sails.js, Redis, MongoDB, html, css, Javascript, performance, web app, responsive web design, websites, real-time application, NodeJS Developer passion, NodeJS Developer career progression


> You are looking for the perfect training ground to start your career in development?

> Backend is what you are attracted to – especially NodeJS?


Check this:

We welcome recent interns, passionate graduates and ambitious junior developers whose passion and free time activity is coding.



  • Room to ask questions, experiment and LEARN
  • We are an international team of high caliber back-end developers who relocated from all over the world for THIS Job – that must mean something ;)
  • Technically challenging projects for global clients like Nike, Oreo, KLM
  • Develop interactive and complex applications and learn about security, performance, accessibility and optimization


More benefits:

We make sure that you have a steady learning curve. We support you and constantly monitor your progress. You will be mentored by our best developers.


There will be so much for you to discover, so please bring curiosity, eagerness to learn and a lot of persistence :)


This is you? APPLY



  • Luke is a very efficient and dedicated person who first spends quality time to understand the associate, his personal and professional requirements and capabilities and matches to the requirements of employers. The level of his understanding is deep enough for him to be able to find a perfect match for both the employer and the employee. I am confident that his approach and way of working would take him places. Wishing him all the success.

    A K -

  • Luke is very professional and great to work with. He is a trustworthy and reliable business partner.

    A V -

  • Luke shows good insight in assessing your skills and goals, and finding the best suited career opportunity for you. He shows great determination and reliability in assuring your success as a prospective job candidate. I appreciated his professional, yet casual approach to our relationship. If you are looking for a new job, Luke is the guy to go to.

    T N -

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